For a Better World


don’t buy, adopt

Pet Stay Vancouver supports adoption processes to acquire a new pet. Transforming pets into merchandise helps spread suffering through breeding farms that often brings pain and suffering to all kinds of pets (specially dogs) and they take out space in people’s homes and hearts that could be filled with “homeless” animals. You can find more information here or you can do your own google search and see for yourself.

There are many tools on the internet to help you find just a perfect match for you. Adoption websites brings a lot of information about the pets, such as their behavior around humans or other pets, their age, weight, pictures, medical conditions and many more. You can spend hours browsing through their catalogs and you will be amazed with all the cuteness. Some of them have been through a lot in their lives and finding a loving and caring home could be just what they need to finally be happy.

Check out these amazing adoption websites, give it a try 🙂

  • PetFinder – A service that joins together catalogs for thousands of shelters
  • BCSPCA – British Columbia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
  • VOKRA – Vancouver Orphan Kitten Rescue Association

Donate or volunteer

Animal shelters can always use help, whether is pure financially or with volunteer work. If you love animals and can spare some dollars or some time, think about helping one of the shelters in Vancouver. The animals sure will appreciate it 😉